Monday, January 27, 2020

Effective Utilization Of Human And Other All Resources Management Essay

Effective Utilization Of Human And Other All Resources Management Essay Developing effective management skills to deal with specific desire challenges and problems of every organization is the urgent need of many businesses and organizations in the global competitive environment, continues changing of technology and environment. The new tendency of training and development of successful organizations over the world today is developing effective skills in dealing with specific challenge of their own organization to reach their own goals and objectives in the new organization that characterized by networked, flat, flexible, diverse, global organization. Effective Management Skills to help people and organization improving their own effectiveness and efficiency. Globalization and continues developing technology shows we are in a period of intense competition.  Proper management is vital in these complex environments.  The quality of manager and effective management styles can determine the culture of the organisation, the productivity of its staff, and, ultimately, success or failure. A manager should have the ability to direct, supervise, encourage, inspire, and co-ordinate, and in doing so facilitate action and guide change.   Managers develop their own leadership qualities and those of others. Management utilizes planning, organisational and communications skills.   These skills are important in leadership also, but even more so are qualities such as integrity, honesty, courage, commitment, sincerity, passion, determination, compassion and sensitivity. An effective manager of an organization should have the following skills. Creative Problem Solving Skills: Describing and analyzing a problem. Identifying causes of a problem. Developing creative options and choosing the best course of action. Implementing and evaluating effective and efficiency of the decision. Communication Skills: Listening skills. Presentation skills. Feedback Skills. Report writing skills. Conflict Management Skills: Identifying sources of conflict functional and dysfunctional conflicts. Understanding personal style of conflict resolution. Choosing the best strategy for dealing with a conflict. Developing skills in promoting constructive conflicts in organization and teams. Negotiation Skills: Distinguishing distributive and integrative negotiations, position and principle negotiation. Identifying common mistakes in negotiation and ways to avoid them. Developing rational thinking in negotiation Developing effective skills in negotiation that benefits all parties involved. Self-Awareness and Improvement: Understanding the concept of self-management. Evaluate the effectiveness of self-management. Developing creative and holistic thinking. Understanding the importance of emotions in works as well in self-development. Understand of self-motivation. Effectively managing self-learning and change. There are certain other qualities required for a good manager to manage his staff. Planner A Manager has to take a long-term view; while a team member will be working towards known and established goals, the manager must look further ahead so that these goals are selected wisely. By thinking about the eventual consequences of different plans, the manager selects the optimal plan for the team and implements it. The manager ensures that work is not repeated nor problems tackled too late, and that the necessary resources are allocated and arranged. Provider The Manager has access to information, which the team needs. The role of a manager is important because authority, which the manager holds uniquely within the team and the manager, must exercise the power for the benefit of the team for the effective productivity. Protector   In any company, there are problems, which can deflect the work force. The manager should be there to guard against these and to protect the team. If a new project emerges which not given an impossible deadline. If someone in your team brings forward a good plan, you must ensure that it receives a fair hearing and that your team knows and understands the outcome. If someone is in your team has a problem at work, you have to deal with it. Inspires a Shared Vision An effective manager is often described as having a vision of where to go and the ability to articulate it. Qualities of a Manager A manager has to direct, inspire and motivate his men at work. He has to clearly set forth the objectives for them and inject in them enthusiasm to achieve the objectives. He has to be a competent person in the area of his specialization. He must be a man of open mind, moral and emotional integrity and capable to understand and solve problems. It is difficult to give an exhaustive list of all traits and qualities which go to make a successful manager. However, some of the important traits contributing to the success of managers are as follows: Ability to think It is difficult to think and think clearly and purposefully. Ability to think in clear terms and with definite purpose in view is a must for a manager to succeed. He must be able to think rationally. Broad vision A manager must be able to take into consideration the overall effect of his functioning on the company as a whole. Sectarian view, thinking in terms of my department, is not conductive to the smooth working of the company. Therefore, a manager must take a comprehensive view of each of hia action. Clear Expression One of the functions of a manager is to direct his subordinates. It means he must communicate with them. Effective communication depends upon clarity of expression. Even the best conceived idea or instruction is worthless unless it can be communicated effectively. Therefore, Technical Ability Though a manager need not be a technician, it is necessary that he possesses the necessary degree of technical competence relating to his field. This would help him to handle his subordinates effectively. Technical skills are more important at the supervisory level. Human Relations skills Human relation skills refer to ones ability to work well with others on a person to person basis and to build up cooperative group relations to accomplish organizational goals. A manager must keep in mind that he has to lead his subordinates and not to drive them. He should possess adequate knowledge of the factors and forces which go to ensure good relations, motivate people for best of their performance and generate cooperative and competent human behavior. Good Communicator The ability to communicate with people is the most important skill by managers and team members. The Manager is also the teams link to the larger organisation. He must have the ability to effectively negotiate and use persuasion when necessary to ensure the success of the team and project. Through effective communication, manager support individual and team achievements by creating guidelines for accomplishing tasks and for the career advancement of team members. Enthusiasm If Managers are negative they bring staffs down. Manager with enthusiasm, with a bounce in their step, with a can-do attitude. Many people tend to follow people with a can-do attitude. Enthusiastic Managers are committed to their goals and express this commitment through optimism. Competence Managers will be chosen based on their ability to successfully lead others rather than on technical expertise, as in the past. Having a winning track record is the surest way to be considered competent. Expertise in management skills is another dimension in competence. The ability to challenge, inspire, enable, model and encourage must be demonstrated if managers are to be seen as capable and competent. Ability to Delegate Tasks Trust is an essential element in the relationship of manager and his or her team. You demonstrate your trust in others through your actions how much you check and control their work, how much you delegate and how much you allow people to participate. Cool Under Pressure In a perfect world, projects would be delivered on time, under budget and with no major problems or obstacles to overcome. A leader with a hardy attitude will take these problems in stride. When leaders encounter a stressful event, they consider it interesting, they feel they can influence the outcome and they see it as an opportunity. Team-Building Skills A team builder can best be defined as a strong person who provides the substance that holds the team together in common purpose toward the right objective. In order for a team to progress from a group of strangers to a single cohesive unit, the leader must understand the process and dynamics required for this transformation. He or she must also know the appropriate leadership style to use during each stage of team development. The leader must also have an understanding of the different team players styles and how to capitalise on each at the proper time, for the problem at hand. Communicate the big picture   If you want your employees to work hard and be committed to your business, you have to keep them in the loop. Open communication helps foster loyalty and gives employees a sense of pride. It helps them understand how their work contributes to the companys success. Delegate work and responsibilities Some employees, share their workload with them and assign the work according to peoples strengths and weaknesses, and let employees develop their own good work habits and abilities. Help employees set goals Setting deadlines and goals helps keep employees focused, busy and motivates them to do their work. Talk to each of your employees about the companys goals, and work with them to set individual goals directly linked to your businesss mission. Make sure employees understand their professional growth path in the company. Recognize problems It is impossible to know about personality conflicts, lagging productivity or other problems in the office if you have your head in the sand. If you notice a change in an employees work habits or attitude, try to get to the root of the problem before it starts affecting the rest of your staff. Organizational Ability A manager must be a good organizer. Ability to organise well is a quality of a vital importance to make a successful manager. Dynamic Personality A manager must possess the desire to move ahead, to introduce change for better, to do something new. He must always look for doing something bigger and better. Emotional Stability A manager must be able to keep his personal likes and dislikes away from his organizational responsibility. It means that in solving the business problems of his company, he must not allow his personal feeling to influence his decisions. This requires stable emotional feelings. Integrity A manager must enjoy the unshakable confidence of both his superiors and subordinates. Botha as a person and in his actions, he must be known as a person of high moral integrity. He must remember the saying that it is not enough to be good, one must also appear to be good. Roles of a Manager Management is the effective utilization of human and material resources to achieve the enterprise objectives. The human resources or people use material resources such as machines, materials and money. It is for the management to ensure that people use material resources in the most efficient manner. Only then the objectives of the enterprise could be achieved. For the effective utilization of resources, the workers may be given adequate instructions and training. They must also be properly motivated so that they work with devotion and loyalty for the achievement of organisational objectives. For this, every manager guides and direct the efforts of a group of persons in the organisation. He defines the objectives of his group keeping in view the overall objectives of the enterprise. Each member of the group is assigned a specific task so that the targets of the group as a whole may be achieved. This is necessary for achieving the objectives of enterprise. Some of the characteristic that are common to most of the managers are as follows: Managers spend a major portion of their time in achieving coordination between human and non-human resources. Managers do much work at an unrelenting pace. Managerial tasks are characterized by brevity, variety, and fragmentation. Managers prefer live action- brief, specific, well-defined activities that are current, non-routine, and non-reflective. Managers prefer oral to written communication. Managers maintain a vast number of contacts, spending most time with subordinates, linking them with superiors and others in a complex network. It has observed that managing involves certain functions. While performing these functions, a manager has to play multiple roles. A role consist of the behavior patterns displayed by a manager within an organisation or a functional unit. Henry Mintzberg identified ten basic roles performed by managers at all levels from foreman to chief executives and classified them under three heads: interpersonal, informational and decisional. These roles describe what managers actually do. Interpersonal Roles: The first set of behaviour concerns interpersonal roles, which include the following: Figurehead: Executive managers perform a number of ceremonial duties such as representing their firm at public affairs and overseeing official functions. Lower level managers have ceremonial duties as well, perhaps on a lesser scale, including attending employees customers. Leader: This encompasses a range of duties suggested earlier including motivating workers, guiding work-related behavior, and encouraging activities that help achieve organisational objectives. Liaison: Managers find themselves acting as liaison between groups and individuals which are part of, or come in contact with, an organisation. This liaison role is important for establishing contacts with suppliers, coordinating activities among work groups, and encouraging harmony needed to assure effective performance. Informational Roles Informational roles are concerned with communication among individuals and groups, but, managers must also be skilled in gathering and using information to help make effective decisions. They should be able communicators who can transmit information and articulate decisions. Mintzbergs three informational roles are as follows: Monitor: Managers monitor activity, solicit information, gather data, and observe behaviour. Well-informed managers are prepared for decision-making and can redirect behavior to improve organizational performance. Disseminator: Here communications are reversed. Rather than receive information, managers transmit information. Obviously, this is a crucial aspect of management. Subordinates, superiors and managers of similar work groups rely on timely of information disseminated with clarity. Spokesperson: Top executives find themselves more involved as spokespersons than lower-level managers. A firms policy on competition, its philosophy customer care and its commitment to safety are topics common in executive speeches. However, managers at all levels are spokespersons who may be called upon to represent their groups. For example, when department heads meet to discuss operating budgets, they must be prepared to present information and support budget requests of their respective departments. Decisional Roles Mintzberg identified four roles within the list of his behaviour set. These are as follows: Entrepreneur: In recent years, entrepreneurs have been identified with the commitment to innovation. Managers in complex organisation act in entrepreneurial way, by constantly trying to improve their operations. They seek new ways of using resources, new technologies for enhanced performance, and new systems of organizing human resources. Disturbance Handler: This may be the best understood role of managers because they have always had the primary responsibility for resolving problems. It may also be the most stressful role as managers seem to find themselves constantly faced with disturbances that threaten the harmony and effectiveness of the organisations. Resource Allocator: The third role links planning and organizing functions and organizing functions. Managers must plan to meet their objectives and distribute resources accordingly. There will never be sufficient time, money, materials, or manpower to accomplish all that is expected, so resource allocation offers involve carefully assigning scarce resources. Negotiator: The allocation process bears on the role of negotiator. When scarce resources must be shared among many operating units, managers with superior negotiating skills will have advantages over others. However, negotiating extends to many managerial activities both inside and outside the firm. Purchase manager. For example, negotiates material prices and terms. Personnel manager negotiates union contracts. Negotiating, of course, doesnt mean conflict but it does imply face to face bargaining between managers and employees to resolve problems or formulate performance expectations. The ability to recognize the appropriate role to be played and to change roles readily is a mark of an effective manager. However, it may be concluded that at lower level, some of the decisional roles and informational roles are more important whereas at the top level interpersonal roles and decisional roles are of greater significance. At the middle level of management, informational roles are found to be more common. Effective dealing of Problems The first step in dealing with a problem employee is to identify the trouble. Many times, a simple, honest talk with an employee will dissolve issues such as occasional tardiness or minor attitude problems. Coaching requires a manager to work one-on-one with problem employees or to assign another employee to work with the employee to overcome their shortcomings. The mentor should provide the employee with feedback and solutions for improving their performance. Coaching requires patience and a substantial time investment, but it can help modify an employees behavior. Poor performance Poor performance is not always due to a lack of skills; the employee may simply be disorganized or sloppy. These habits can usually be corrected with proper guidance. If performance difficulties relate to a lack of skills, consider coaching or additional training. Job incompatibility In some cases an employee becomes a problem because their skills arent compatible with their assigned tasks or regular duties. In this case, offering the employee additional training or assigning them a different set of tasks is usually the most appropriate course of action. Sloppy work When you notice that, an employee has made some errors, point out the mistakes to the employee and monitors their work more closely. If the problem persists, speak with the employee and detail the most serious examples of problems with their work. Remember to remain positive and focus on how important the employees contribution is to the company. Create an effective message Consider the specific informational needs of executives, middle managers, supervisors and employees, and tailor your message to fit each audience. An effective message should also explain how your employees ´ day-to-day duties directly affect the companys performance and should touch on the values and pride of the employees. A direct, face-to-face interaction can help reinforce positive attitudes inspire employees and help them adapt to the change. Listen to your employees Employee feedback is critical in managing change. Holding focus groups with employees is a great way to gauge reaction and monitor the progress of change. You also can encourage employees to provide feedback through email or the company intranet. Communication is the cornerstone to successful change management. Talking to your employees is not a one-time event, and you need to reinforce your message by communicating early and often. To be an effective manager you must know yourself, your strengths and your weaknesses, and those of the people around you.   You must know your objectives and have a plan of how to achieve them.   You must build a team of people that share your commitment to achieve those objectives, and you must help each team member to achieve their best which will be able to attain a common goal.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Outline on the Effects of Reality Tv

Outline: Research Paper: Reality TV and its influence on the younger generation I. Introduction A. Media has a huge impact on how people truly see themselves, particularly in women and young female teens. Reality television has made the standards of beauty quite high these days and there is a definite change in society’s view on what is truly beautiful. Turning off the TV has simply become too hard when it comes to reality TV shows 1. Turning into their favorite movie star is becoming more normal than ever.Skipping meals to look like the girl on the cover of the magazine keeps many people wandering what other lengths girls will go to to look like someone else. 2. These reality TV shows are gruesome and harmful to one when they say, â€Å"Reality television is a relatively new fad in America that is sweeping the networks’ ratings and redefining programming altogether. Viewers cannot seem to get enough of the torture, embarrassment, temptation, and above all, drama of ot her regular, everyday people being placed in unrealistic settings and manipulated for the world to see†(Pontius).Leaving an everlasting affect, these shows do a lot of damage. B. Children consider makeup a necessity at a younger age. Reality TV has caused an obsession that is unavoidable. It is a crude form of entertainment, but so many people watch it and it becomes hard to turn it off. But why are people so interested? Somebody else’s lives and somebody else’s problems. 1. Women fighting over ‘their man’ 2. People trying to survive in the dessert 3. People suffering from drug addictions C. But they give off the wrong message to young girls.Though some TV programs support healthy lifestyle choices, viewers do not realize that these shows can easily damage one’s self-esteem and body image. The female audience needs to recognize the false reality of television and realize that the women on reality TV are in fact, nothing close to real. 1. Reali ty TV is powerful and influential D. Reality TV is the main source for eating disorders. Media exposes girls to anorexia and eating disorders. Girls see themselves as overweight when some are not even close to being overweight. 1. Bulimia is regurgitating food after overeating to rid them of the food. . Anorexia is not eating at all or eating very small amounts such as a small pile of lettuce. They are starving themselves to lose weight II. Eliminating reality TV shows will keep children from partaking in unprotected sex. A. Since 2005 teenage pregnancy rates have increased significantly 3. 5 percent. 1. Shows such as â€Å"Teen Mom† were created to show the hardships of teenage pregnancy and deteriorate children from wanting to have kids. Instead it has showed them having children is not the worst thing to happen to a girl. Having a kid ensure your boyfriend stays with you. . While teen pregnancy would have been a major issue 20 or more years ago, in today’s day and a ge it has become more common. â€Å"The MTV show 16 and Pregnant and its spin-off Teen Mom have fetishized teenage motherhood and, bizarrely, made it glamorous. 16 and Pregnant, a reality series that began last year, purported to show the hardships endured by teen mothers but somehow evolved into a soap opera in which the central figures, with badass boyfriends and bewildered parents, became intriguing figures – even figures to be emulated† (Want be American R3).Glamorizing pregnancy only intrigues young girls and makes it seem like something fun when it can change their life. B. Children are learning from what happens on TV. They learning it is okay to get pregnant before you complete high school 1. Kids learn from what they see when people say; â€Å"Therefore, the study of television fiction products specifically targeted at young audiences can contribute knowledge on what kind of images and portrayals of teenagers they will consume†(Munoz Fedele 133). When k ids see something happens on TV they are most likely to reenact what they saw in their everyday lives.C. As teens and young adults continue to feast their eyes upon these â€Å"real† teen pregnancy shows, the more the teen pregnancy rates increase. Kids also have mistaken this show for an excuse to experiment with sexual desires. While high school students are taught to abstain from sex in numerous health classes, they learn from MTV that a lot of teenagers participate in sexual intercourse. This gives them the idea that sex is normal for young teens and that they should join the bandwagon too III. Kids experiment with drugs and alcohol when they see other kids their age on TV doing the same thingsIV. Young girl’s self-images are influenced by the reality TV shows they watch. A. Girls especially are influenced by what they see on TV. 1. Most girls will do whatever it takes to be skinny and look like the stars that weigh 100 pounds â€Å"†¦ the media influence on the cultural phenomenon of dieting and the perfect body. â€Å"Commercials and reality TV shows make you feel bad about yourself so you buy into the fad,† Cohn said. The diet industry earns $50 billion each year on diet pills, and $8. 4 billion is spent every year on cosmetic surgery.Women — and men, Cohn stressed — want to be thin, because large men and women are ridiculed† (Demmel). Eating disorders continues to be problem among young girls because of their role models. Girls on reality TV shows have that ‘perfect' body and girls what to be everything like them. B. Influences girls to want to alter their bodies through plastic surgery 1. Plastic Surgery has expanded to more people than ever. Most of the people watch reality TV and strive to be like the person they see on TV. Plastic surgeon John Persing and his colleagues found that 57 percent of patients, whose average age was 36, regularly watched one or more reality shows† (Boodman E4). Si nce more people are watching Reality TV shows and the number of plastic surgery’s has increased, one can assume the people watching the shows are the people who are getting plastic surgery so they can look similar to people on TV. 2. Every little girl dreams of being a star and by watching these shows, most of them think they can only be one if they look like the girl on TV when said, â€Å"But in 2010, when Heidi Montag's bloated lips plaster every agazine in town, when little girls lust after an airbrushed, unattainable body ideal, there's a growing bundle of research to show that our bias against the unattractive–our â€Å"beauty bias,† as a new book calls it–is more pervasive than ever† (Bennett 46). Persuading little girls to want plastic surgery. C. Shows girls they can’t be comfortable in their own body’s unless they have a certain body type that is skinny 1. Many women don’t feel comfortable in their own bodies because of what they see on reality TV.They see thin girls on TV and assume they have to fit the same stereotype to be liked when said â€Å"Girls and women in our culture are bombarded with so many messages about being thin and perfect that it can be really, really hard to truly believe we are beautiful just the way we are. That doesn't mean that we're failures in any way; it's really the culture that has failed us†(Help yourself other) some women find it so hard to believe they can be happy if they aren’t as thin as that girl they saw on Jersey Shore or The Hills. V.Watching reality TV affects the way children deal with conflict or crude situations in school and out of school A. Aggressive B. drama VI. Reality TV shows affect the way girls perceive the world. A. What girls see on TV is what they expect to happen to them. 1. Affecting everyday actions, reality TV has a big impact on individuals. When said, reality TV tends to be the center of all problems in our culture. It c reates a memory that affects the way one thinks and acts (Course Examines How). It can persuade someone to act a different way than normal.According to how they saw someone on a show act, they feel the need to act or try in act in the same way. B. Watching reality TV makes it difficult to distinguish between reality and non-fiction 1. When people see something on TV, they assume it’s something that will happen to them. They assume the things on TV are real life situations when practically they could be impossible. They still focus on it when said, â€Å"This type of show that largely impacts on young people and generations, do not reflect the style of life in our society† (TV Values Destructive).With this motto in mind, it can affect the way young people live their lives. 2. Watching reality TV allows a child to believe what happens on TV is only what can happen to them. It has been proven that; â€Å"The mere fact that it is called reality is misleading in itself and I think it is giving them a very limited view of what is possible,† she said, adding that many young viewers were unaware that reality shows were heavily manipulated, edited and commercially driven† (Hazelhurst qtd. in Edwards). Many children don’t know the extent behind reality TV shows. . Many agree that often times things come a lot easier on TV or are made a lot simpler when said, â€Å"On the screen, any major life problem is portrayed as simple, or at the very least, not as complicated as in real life. On television, any time a woman unexpectedly gets pregnant, she debates whether she should have an abortion, but coincidentally has a miscarriage right before she has to decide† (Pritchard). When kids see something bad happen then automatically something well then more times than not they will do something that will result in something worse.When that good thing doesn’t come to save them, they feel lost. VII. Conclusion A. Drilling into kids hea d that being skinny or looking the best or being the best is important, Reality TV shows have mislead the way children see things. If something isn’t done to stop what’s being shown on TV, kids will continue to starve themselves to be the skinniest, abuse drugs and alcohol, and teen pregnancy rates will continue to increase. Not all of these cases are a result of media and reality TV, but it plays a big contribution. . Most people agree children would be much better if reality TV was no longer available when they say, â€Å"I confess I find TV such a corrupting phenomenon that I believe the best solution to combat the damage it causes would be to do away with it entirely† (Gatto 45). Without reality TV, kids would be able to focus on more important things 2. Reality TV shapes the way kids think when researchers say; â€Å"Especially with young, impressionable minds out there, more honest portrayals need to circulate.The real world is meaningful and exciting in its own right, so why not represent it at least somewhat accurately on screen† (Pritchard). Their minds are shapeable and reality TV shapes them into believing the wrong things about life. 3. B. Reality TV shows that were created to show teenagers the hardships of life and is actually glamorizing the worst of the worst to make kids want to experiment, should be forced to bring to a halt any new recordings of the ones already recorded should be removed from TV. 1. The Federal Communications Commission’s is in charge of regulating what’s on TV.By persuading the lawmakers to pass a law that dismisses any sort of crude reality TV shows from being aired, children can learn to behave and act in a way accepted in society. C. Bridalplasty was a show that aired that showed 12 brides competing in order to get the grand prize, plastic surgery of their choice for their wedding. Young girls are growing up with the mentality that they won’t be perfect unless they have s ome kind of plastic surgery and it’s no wonder they think this with the kind of shows on TV.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Ict And Science As A National Curriculum Subjects Education Essay

In linguistic communication, literacy and communicating kids will be able to speak with assurance, sing vocals, be able to compose and read some words. The counsel believes that larning in this country involves â€Å" communicating, speech production and listening in different state of affairss and for different intents, being read a broad scope of books and reading simple texts and composing for a assortment of intents † . hypertext transfer protocol: // In Mathematical development kids will larn math throughout games and narratives and they will be more comfy with Numberss. Harmonizing to foundation phase counsel, larning in mathematical development country is made up of â€Å" numeration, screening, fiting, seeking forms, doing connexions, recognizing relationships and working with Numberss, forms, infinite and measuring † hypertext transfer protocol: // In Physical development kids will go more skilled at motor and motion of their organic structure. Furthermore, in originative development kids will detect colorss, texture and forms and making things such as doing music. Science contains grasp and cognition of the universe ‘s part in the early twelvemonth foundation stage.A Harmonizing to foundation phase counsel this learning country must include â€Å" activities based on first manus experiences that encourage geographic expedition, observation job resolution, anticipation, critical thought, determination devising and treatment † hypertext transfer protocol: // The mathematical, scientific discipline and linguistic communication development countries will so be sorted into early larning aims in order to warrant that what the bulk of kids are expected to achieve at the terminal of the foundation phase The course of study support is designed â€Å" to assist practicians plan to run into the diverse demands of all kids so that most will accomplish and some, where appropriate, will travel beyond the early acquisition ends by the terminal of the foundation phase † . ( Tassoni, P 2005 ) In the early twelvemonth foundation phase, the practician ‘s chief function is to promote kids to larn and accomplish independency, they must plan important activities and need do certain that every spot of activities are comprehensive to all children.A Acoording to Macleod-Brudenell, ( 2004 ) , everybody has to be included in the planning and work together. Parents/ practicians must often acquire together and discourse to convey up to day of the month every kid ‘s profile in order to give a distinguished and efficient course of study to run into the assorted demands of immature individuals.National course of studyThe Curriculum counsel which links to the instruction period that shortly follows after the Foundation phase is the National Curriculum. The National Curriculum is aimed at kids from the age of 5 to 16. It was foremost set up late in 1988 for primary and secondary schools. To get down with, the National Curriculum is a design used by all schools that are run by the authorities in England, its end is to attest that acquisition and instruction is well-balanced and dependable across the state. The standard of the National Curriculum is puting out topics that are traveling to be taught within schools, the rules or achiev ement marks in every topic are what instructors use to estimate the kid ‘s betterment, and the methods in which a kid ‘s advancement is assessed is through studies. At cardinal phases 1 and 2 in the national course of study the statutory topics that every pupils should analyze are design and engineering, information and communicating engineering, art and design, history, English, geographics, physical instruction, , mathematics, scientific discipline, Religious instruction and music. However, Science, Maths and English are considered as the National Curriculum ‘s chief topics. The map of the Foundation phase Curriculum is support for the National Curriculum in the countries within the Foundation phase Guidance communicating, literacy, linguistic communication, mathematical sweetening, general cognition and a good apprehension of the universe. These are all in line with the aims inside the model for learning maths, literacy and scientific discipline at degree 1 of the National Curriculum. hypertext transfer protocol: // in EYFS and national course of studyHarmonizing to Macleod-Brudenell, ( 2004 ) , the early twelvemonth foundation phase concentrates on the procedure led theoretical account, nevertheless the National Curriculum concentrates on the Content Led theoretical account in order to promote kids to take an effectual duty in society every bit good as supplying them with accomplishments, cognition and apprehension.The construction of the National Curriculum is different to foundation phase. For illustration in the national course of study, it ‘s the determination of schools to take how they want organise their school course of study to include the programmes of survey.â€Å" The programmes of survey ( the Education Act 1996 ) , set out what students should be taught in each topic at each cardinal phase, and supply the footing for be aftering strategies of work. When planning, schools should besides see t he four general instruction demands ( usage of linguistic communication, usage of ICT and wellness and safety and inclusion ) that apply across the programmes of survey † . hypertext transfer protocol: // % 20Structure % 20of % 20the % 20National % 20Curriculum.pdf In the national course of study, national makings are the most of import methods of clear uping accomplishments in National Curriculum topics. Most of pupils will hold to stay working at degrees 1-3 in the first cardinal phase and so accomplish degree 2 by the terminal of the cardinal phase, at degrees 2-5 in cardinal phase pupils achieve degree 4 by the terminal and degrees 3-7 at cardinal phase 3, degrees 5/6 will be attained by the shutting phases of the cardinal phase. hypertext transfer protocol: // the national course of study, instructors must do a program of survey and the capablenesss of their pupils. And so they need to describe one time a twelvemonth at the terminal of each cardinal phase to parents to discourse the betterments of pupils.the major difference in foundation phase and the national course of study is that there are tonss of activities that are available for kids in foundation phase, chiefly everything they learn is through activities and drama, for illustration scientific discipline at foundation phase is introduced to kids throughout drama and activities that encourage them what they need physically and what they need to make to detect in order to research the universe around them, this is called cognition and apprehension of the universe. They will besides be encouraged to foretell, do determinations, work out jobs and b elieve. Every spot of activities and drama in foundation phase countries of the national course of study helps kids to develop physically and creatively. However in the national course of study the survey is acquiring harder and instructors are rigorous about survey towards students. The most of import focal point of the foundation phase course of study is to fix pupils for the following degree which is traveling to a primary school by the age of five. It observes the kid as â€Å" active scholars † and â€Å" going a student † . Throughout the early twelvemonth foundation phase the scholar ‘s accomplishment is measured all the manner through formal observations, appraisals and cheque lists. This is called the Foundation Stage Profile. There are no marks of peculiar proving in foundation phase in contrast the national course of study which kids have to be assessed for every topic at the terminal of each cardinal phase in order to see how the kid is come oning. A There are some alterations that occur which kids experience when they leave foundation phase and travel up to identify phase 1. These include distancing from drama to work activities, they will besides travel from thematic to capable activities, and besides they ‘ll see more formal method of instruction.Importance of scientific discipline as a national course of studyThe national course of study promotes the significance of Science to assist kids to derive cognition and apprehension of the universe around them. It is because of scientific discipline that kids find the ground for expected â€Å" phenomenon † that they see in their mundane life. It does hold a monolithic influence on the universe and it besides helps keep the good health of people. Furthermore, Science teaches about cooperation and struggle managing, it helps people in holding strong communicating accomplishments. For case, when giving description on a research, pupils have to utilize appropriate research and communications accomplishments. This afterwards will be functional, as it promotes personal relationships. It ‘s besides throughout scientific discipline that kids gain cognition in relation to covering with conflicting point of position, and besides let go ofing when to collaborate with others and work on their ain. hypertext transfer protocol: // Furthermore, larning about scientific discipline helps them to be more accountable and a more responsible society, this is because they ‘ll larn how to believe crucially and besides they ‘ll hold a better apprehension on how things function in the universe ; hence, they would be able to do appropriate determinations and do a healthier and more unafraid environment.The importance of ICT as a national course of studyThe National Curriculum besides promotes the significance of ICT across the course of study. Information and communications engineering is by and large anything that uses electricity. For illustration: computing machine, picture, Television and etc. Schools have a major duty in developing ICT ability. Numerous facets of ICT are critical for all schools. These are include: the significance of spread outing ICT accomplishments to develop apprehension of the persons and the society as a whole, to be able to administer ideas and work as a squad, the ability to derive accomplishments and cognition throughout a scope of methods and techniques, and besides to do the most usage of ICT to keep instruction and acquisition across the course of study. Presents in all schools Children of the immature age need assorted cognition of ICT if they want to be successful in their future life. The most of import purpose of national course of study by seting ICT along states is to develop kids ‘s accomplishments, cognition and attitudes in association to communications and information engineering. It ‘s besides to promote them to develop their assurance, ego regard and apprehension in utilizing ICT and supply them with quick and researchable entree to great sum of information. Furthermore, to assist them to decide jobs, analyze on their ain and to pass on and collaborate with other people and better their communicating accomplishments. hypertext transfer protocol: // programFor the subject of scientific discipline I have done an activity with kids aged 4 to 5 old ages old in response category, to advance their apprehension and cognition of scientific discipline, the World around them and how it works. 6 kids took portion in the activity. The activity was based on mini animals, which is a scientific discipline topic within the foundation phase course of study. Mini beasts include ladybugs, spiders, caterpillars, butterflies, etc. The lesson was in relation to what they eat, where they live and where we can happen them. This activity was based on scientific discipline ; nevertheless it supports kids in developing their apprehension and cognition in other countries of the curriculum as-well such as: maths, art, ICT, communicating and linguistic communication. Mathematicss: I asked kids to number mini animals on the smart board and so I asked them to number how many legs they have. ICT: I used Information Communication Technology to pull up mini animals on the smart board and encouraged kids to come and pull mini animals on the smart board and so compensate their name next to images. Communication: I encouraged kids to discourse what they eat and where they live Art: I asked kids to pull mini animals on a piece of apparent paper and so utilize coloring material pencil to color them in. I feel that the kids learned a batch from this activity as they had n't yet done the scientific discipline course of study ; therefore they have n't got much apprehension and cognition on scientific discipline and the universe around them. I feel that this activity promoted the kids ‘s acquisition and development in the course of study every bit good as promoted their communicating, linguistic communication and usage of ICT. However, some of the kids needed extra support. This activity was really educational for the kids, taking portion in it has supported them in increasing their apprehension.Personal contemplationBy making this lesson I learned how to be after and use activities for the right phase and age of the kids that I will work with. I besides gained cognition of how to collaborate with kids during the activity and how to measure their acquisition. I ‘ve learned how to back up the kids who may necessitate it and how to make resources and put up activities suited for them. This activity besides helped me in deriving assurance and improved my communicating accomplishments. Furthermore, it helped me derive experience of working with kids and admiting them.Key phase 1 lesson programI besides planned another scientific discipline activity for kids age 7 old ages olds within the national course of study. The activity involves natural philosophies which will increase kids ‘s apprehension and cognition of scientific discipline, every bit good as deriving a good apprehension of how conduction and circuitry plants. What I ‘m traveling to make is to learn kids that in order for a circuit to work decently there must be no spread in the circuit so the electricity can blemish. For this lesson the kids will hold an independent pick on which the equipments they can think that would carry on electricity. Harmonizing to national course of study counsel â€Å" Children should be taught that it is of import to roll up grounds by doing observations and measurings when seeking to reply a inquiry. † It is indispensable to educate kids how to look into and research because it helps them to decide jobs and to hold an reply to their ain inquiries. It will besides assist them to work out any jobs that they may confront in the hereafter. For this activity I will take my laptop to the category and demo kids how electricity flows and so I will pull up the circuit on the smart board and explicate to kids that within the plastic coating there is a wire which conducts electricity. I will besides give illustrations of other stuffs that can carry on electricity. The following program which I provided for kids is a computing machine game, so what I am traveling to make is promote kids to take portion in a computing machine game activity. The activity will be to inquire kids to press a button on a keyboard to travel objects, and when they press the button the objects will travel, by making this they will come to cognize that electricity current base on ballss through a wire which causes the object on the screen to travel. This activity will advance kids ‘s communicating as they discuss and ask inquiries such as: why? How? What will go on if? And besides promote them to foretell of what ‘s traveling to go on before they do it. They will besides recognize whether the trial was just or non. By the terminal of the lesson kids will be able to cognize that chiefly metal points conduct electricity. They ‘ll besides derive cognition that largely all electrical conduction is non linked toA coloring material, weight, size and texture.Personal contemplationBy making this activity I will larn how to collaborate with kids and program scientific discipline activity to spread out their apprehension about natural philosophies.I will besides place the demands of the single kid, some possibly will necessitate excess support. Furthermore, in the activity which I planned for kids, I ‘ll demo good apprehension of anti-bias pattern and anti discriminatory.EvaluationI feel that by making this activity for kids I will finish my purposes because kids will hold a good apprehension of electricity and conduction every bit good as they will bask the activity excessively. They will widen their basic apprehension and cognition of the universe around them. They will besides larn which s tuffs can carry on electricity and which can non. They will besides place that even though the electrical conduction is non something to be seen but it ‘s something which is present and needed for every twenty-four hours life.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

College Tuition - 1071 Words

College Tuition In todays society, the idea of a college education has become less of an option and more of a necessary requirement and is commonly considered the only way to acquire a successful career and life. There are many careers, in which a college education is not technically necessary, that can often be just as or even more successful. With the cost of college tuition increasing with every passing year, the controversy of whether college is really worth the cost and burden is growing too. If our society wants to continue displaying a college education as somewhat of a necessity for success, I believe the cost of it should shift to being a more realistic price, suitable for the majority of students striving to go to college.†¦show more content†¦Although most colleges may not consider ways to lower the costs of college, there are many ways in which a lower tuition and overall price is possible. One direct contribution to the costs of schooling is the professorâ€℠¢s salary. Many college educators do not actually deserve the amount of money they make. Teachers should receive a salary that accurately reflects how affective the professor is at teaching. College fees also include unnecessary additions that are not required and could easily be taken off, such as gym memberships, recreation center memberships, and other additional bonuses that are not essential. Also, although I’m a student-athlete as well, the amount of money given away in scholarships just to play sports at that school has become a bit ridiculous. If the amount of money for scholarships went back into the school directly, the cost of tuition would decrease, and the need for those said scholarships would decrease as well. It is apparent that student athletes are held to a higher regard than other students. Often, you see students that are all-state athletes that get decent grades receive more money and â€Å"special treatment† in comparison to a student that does not do related extra-curricular activities, yet gets exceedingly high grades. This is not fair in any way; the elimination or decrease of athletic scholarships given out would eliminate the inequalityShow MoreRelatedCollege Tuition : Is No Worth Paying For College?2017 Words   |  9 PagesCollege Tuition Intuition Nobody enjoys paying for college. No one thinks about college and gets excited about all the money they might spend, but now people are actually thinking of ways to fix that. Currently colleges are very expensive, especially private colleges. However, with the current presidential election going on, the possibility of free public college is being brought up. This concept would be greatly beneficial to today’s youth and help them graduate college debt free. Each year, collegeRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography College Tuition 1697 Words   |  7 Pages7 2014 Annotated Bibliography: College Tuition Ayres, Ian. Why Californias Tuition Hike Might Be a Good Thing. Freakonomics RSS. Freakonomics, 23 Nov. 2009. Web. 07 Nov. 2014. According to this article the gap in college has become larger as of late because of students financial situations. Public universities cost on average one forth of private universities. The wealthier students benefit from this because of the way financial aid operates. When the tuition cost are raised it benefits theRead MoreThe Rise Of College Tuitions1937 Words   |  8 PagesThe sudden rise of college tuitions began right after the recession in 2008. Many people lost their jobs, and their current jobs were not paying well enough for them to survive through this devastating time. 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